Problem Solving Skills: Leading with Questions

Probably the Most Effective Leadership Development Consultants in Malaysia

Problem Solving Skills: Leading with Questions 

Workshop Date: 28-29 June 2021 (Mon-Tues)

Time: 9am-1pm (4 hours per days; 8 hours total)

Course Fees: RM 800 + 6% SST/per person

Delivery platform: Online Workshop (ZOOM)

This is not your ordinary Problem Solving Skills workshop!

“Problem Solving Skills: Leading with Questions” is a workshop that focuses on helping you develop your skills in…

  1. Communication,
  2. Problem Solving,
  3. Leadership & Teaming

through Action Learning.

What is Action Learning? Action Learning is a powerful and unique problem-solving tool that allows you to simultaneously solve difficult and complex problems and develop people and organisations at minimal costs.

Many a times, we don’t realise that one of the reasons we don’t get the answers or responses we want is because we don’t ask the right questions. And in the context of a rapidly changing environment and unpredictable challenges in a VUCA world, organisations and individuals need to both act and learn at the same time.

The better we are at asking powerful questions, the faster we are able to respond with solutions to complex problems.

Learn to ask powerful questions that generate short term results and long term learning and success. 

Workshop Objectives

  • Redefine what 21st century leadership is really about; 
  • Understand and appreciate the science and art of questions;
  • Develop and apply great questioning and listening skills to enhance overall performance and
  • Start developing a positive empowering, questioning and learning culture in your organization.

 Workshop Content: 

  • Workshop Objectives
  • What is Leadership?
  • Success model
  • Insanity Trap – Leadership, Communication, Problem-Solving
  • Action Learning Session
  • Re-defining Leadership
  • Brilliant Questions
  • Why are questions so powerful?
  • Why don’t we ask questions?
  • Understanding different types of questions
  • Habits of successful questioning leaders
  • Develop your questioning skills
  • Application of questioning skills at work
  • Action Planning 

Workshop Methodology

  • Action Learning. This is a hands-on workshop with proven framework, model and process for solving problems in teams.

Secure Your Seat!

You can’t afford to miss this one! Registration closes on 23 June 2021.
